Mar 17, 2012

Canon PowerShot S100, Pocket Camera with GPS capability

TOKYO - Canon has released a new pocket camera made​​, PowerShot S100. The camera has a full-featured and has GPS capabilities.

As reported Reghardware, Friday (16/03/2012), PowerShot S100 pocket camera is a continuation or development of the series Powershot S95. PowerShot S100 camera is not only equipped with GPS, but has a more significant improvement than the previous camera family.

These enhancements include the addition of specifications of the lens, the faster performance with Canon's Digic processor 5 and a 12.1 Megapixel resolution.

In addition, this pocket camera has a mode capability of 5x optical zoom with 24mm wide angle lens, featuring auto focus and Auto Exposure (AE) lock to keep the light on the catch composition of the picture. In addition the camera is also able to record Full High Definition (HD) 1080p with stereo sound.

It also has a pocket camera lens aperture f/2.0, perfect for shooting in low light or nighttime and the quantities that can be set up to ISO 6400.

Not only that, the features of the Global Positioning System (GPS) embedded in a pocket camera has a function logger that can store information internally without having to connect directly, as well as image tagging feature to mark territory or location and provide information about the area.

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